Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The hottest shoot - Edwardsville Senior Pictures

100 Degrees in the Shade
Katie Speicher Senior Pictures Shoot
July 11, 2011
Photograph by Tom Atwood
When I pulled up at the Speichers' home Monday evening to take Katie's senior pictures, the thermometer in my van read 100 degrees. That was the official high for the day. I thought it might be cooler in their shady backyard, but I guess 100 degrees is 100 degrees. For me, it was a record: hottest senior pictures photo shoot ever. But somehow, Katie managed to at least appear to remain cool. Take a look at her on the backyard swing. Does it look like 100 degrees in the shade?
Shutter: 1/60; Aperture: f.2.8; ISO: 100; Focal length: 35 mm

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