Monday, March 21, 2011


Humphrey-Suchomski Wedding
March 19, 2011
Photograph by Tom Atwood
Thanks to Tiffany Humphrey Suchomski for taking a chance and asking me to photograph her wedding with Kyle Suchomski over the weekend, something I had never done before. I'll post more pictures later, just a few of the hundreds I took, but this one is my favorite, for several reasons. First, the earnest expression on Tiffany's face during this "first dance" with her husband. (I think they're singing to each other?) It's almost heartbreaking, it's so full of hope and love. Second, and more selfishly, I was worried about the reception, shooting in an American Legion hall with fluorescent lighting. But there are ways around harsh and uneven lighting. In this case, a bounced flash coupled with long exposures created motion and streaks that were either hit or miss, depending on the photo. But I think this one is a hit. 
This is true love.
Shutter: 1/5; Aperture: f/5.6; ISO: 400; Focal length: 18 mm

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