Friday, March 4, 2011

Imagine there's no heaven

Strasen Lane near Marine, Illinois
Photograph by Tom Atwood
Most of my pictures are unplanned. Those of you who know me well probably won't find that surprising. Usually I have an idea of where I want to go to take pictures, but that's about the extent of it. In this case I decided, "I'm going to take pictures of that big cloud." So I followed the cloud at sunset to Strasen Lane. When I took a photo of this sign and graffiti, I didn't plan on making a symbolic photo about life being a dead end, or the possibility that there is no heaven. But I can see how you might think that's what this picture is about. Instead, the sign was just in front of the cloud.
Shutter: 1/40; Aperture: f/6,3; ISO: 200; Focal length: 18 mm

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