Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Vanishing Night

St. Louis Gateway Arch
Photograph by Tom Atwood
Sometimes a picture can get lost in the mix. Last year, on a winter night when I was shooting dozens of photos of the arch, and specifically, its shadow reflected on low clouds passing by, I didn't pay much attention to this one. But in a way, it most clearly shows the light pollution we now celebrate as part of the St. Louis skyline: 44 powerful floodlights at the base of the Arch, shining up to illuminate the undersides of airplanes, and to cause thousands of confused, migrating birds to fall to their deaths. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but the night sky that has inspired people for thousands of years is vanishing before our very eyes.
Shutter: 25 seconds; Aperture: f/13; ISO: 100; Focal length: 20 mm.

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