Monday, February 21, 2011

Fireworks in black & white

July 3, E. St. Louis
Photograph by Tom Atwood
After taking the weekend off, Photo of the Day returns with a 7-month-old file photo. But it's been polished up a bit since the original. What was an extremely colorful, explosive shot has been desaturated. Robbed of its color. But in a way, desaturating gaudy fireworks somehow civilizes the display. Add the industrial foreground of East St. Louis and it gives this image a retro look, which brings back memories, since the fireworks I watched on the riverfront as a child in the 1960s were in fact in black & white. No one had color fireworks back then.
Shutter: 20 seconds; Aperture: f/18; ISO: 100; Focal length: 18 mm

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