ConocoPhillips Wood River Refinery
South Roxana, Illinois
Photograph by Tom Atwood |
For the past year I have been trying to photograph two unrelated subjects without much luck. One is the ConocoPhillips Wood River Refinery in South Roxana. Surrounded by high chain link fences and ambitious security guards, the refinery has proven tough to capture. The other subject? The birds that will one day take over the world, flocks of starlings, billions of them, that seem to swarm aimlessly, and yet as one conscious organism, each winter. Monday evening, though, I got lucky. I decided to move away from the refinery and shoot it from a large, frozen pond along Highway 111. As I began to set up on the ice, I saw them: a trillion starlings circling the refinery, preparing to roost for the night in tall trees around the pond. You don't know how happy this photo makes me. It is the one stone I used to kill two birds. Figuratively. Shutter: 1/250; Aperture: f/5.6; ISO: 400; Focal length: 125 mm. Temperature: 16 F.
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